Turn Your Pictures Into Paintings 
With Just One Click!


Oil Painting Transformation

Turn your photos into art with these NEW automated effects that work like magic! 

One Click Instant Install!

Press Play to See What Oil Painting Transformation Will Do For Your Photos

One Click Instant Installation!

Create Stunning Art From Your Photos In Seconds!

Turn Your Photo into Art in One Click!

Works For Cityscapes Photos

Create Stunning Landscape Paintings Just Like Van Gogh

Oil Painting Transformation

Including 11 Styles!

Our BRAND NEW Oil Painting Transformation includes our 14 best oil painting styles designed to transform your images into realistic and iconic painting styles. Create print-worthy paintings that look just like they were painted by the masters themselves — including Van Gogh and Bob Ross — without ever picking up a paintbrush!

We have utilized cutting-edge new technology to create this collection of the most popular, powerful, and print-worthy effects we have ever developed in partnership with award-winning landscape photographer Tim Shields. These new AI Photoshop Effects will save you hundreds of hours of editing and will help you prevent the dreaded over-processed look!
Compatible with updated versions of Photoshop CC on Mac and Windows.

Includes 30 minutes of video tutorials on how to install, how to use these effects, as well as a series of tutorials for creating your own custom looks.

Includes 14 AI Oil Painting Effects!

Turn your photos into Art inspired by the masters

Van Gogh Painting Style

Value $33 - Included

Transform your photos into a work of art that would fit just as well in The Louvre or MoMA as it will on the walls of your home with this effect designed to recreate the look of the Dutch post-impressionist master himself. 

Bob Ross Painting Style

Value $33 - Included

Summon the smooth and soft artistry of Bob Ross to create your own happy little trees and happy clouds as easily as he made his paintings look!

Acrylic Painting Style

Value $33 - Included

Discover the easiest way to create your own paintings with this acrylic paint style that looks just like the real thing! 

Modern Paint Style

Value $33 - Included

Transform your photography into a stunning mid-century oil painting with sharp edges using this incredible effect — without ever having to pick up a paintbrush! 

Abstract Painting Style

Value $33 - Included

You no longer need to go to college to learn how to create an iconic piece of abstract art. With this painting effect, you’ll be able to turn any image into a stunning work of abstract art in just a single click.

Paint by Numbers Style

Value $33 - Included

Go back to your earliest painting days by turning your photos into a fun, lifelike, paint-by-numbers work of art. Print this one out on canvas and your friends and family won’t be able to tell the difference!

Sharp Charcoal Sketch Style

Value $33 - Included

Create a perfectly accurate and sharp charcoal sketch out of your image using this AI sketching effect that looks just like the works created by the renaissance masters.

Pen and Ink Drawing Style

Value $33 - Included

Rework your image into a refined and colorful artistic sketch that looks just like a real image created using ballpoint pens and paper. 

New Realism Style

Value $33 - Included

A sharp and vibrant paint effect that combines quick expressionist painting styles with sketched outlines to create a painterly effect like a Michelangelo painting that looks as impressive on a screen as it does on canvas. 

Detailed Oil Painting Style

Value $33 - Included

Turn your photos into a sharp stylized oil painting created with a fine-point paintbrush for maximum detail retention. This realistic effect creates an iconic painted look without sacrificing image quality.

Bonus!  You Also Get Tutorial Videos!

30 Minutes of Fun and EASY Training is Included!

  • How to Install Your Oil Painting - You can install them in one click!
  • How to Use Your Oil Painting  - It's SO EASY to use Oil Painting Transformation!
  • How to Avoid Common Mistakes - Expert secrets you need to know!
  • ​How to Get The Most Out of Your Painting Styles - Without using a paint brush
  • ​How to Make Your Own Painting Styles - It's so much fun!
Release the artist inside you and create your own Art from your photos with this Oil Painting Transformation Collection.
60% OFF
Pre Launch Special!
Oil Painting Transformation Bundle Collection with  14 Styles
  • Oil Painting Styles: Automatic Transformation, from photo into Art in one click!
  • ​14 Premium Oil Painting Styles
  • ​how-to tutorial videos so you can hit the ground running!

$97  $59

This is Tim's signature collection of Oil Painting Styles for Photoshop.
Create beautiful Art from your photos in just one click.

One Click Instant Install!

Buy The Oil Painting Transformation Right Now!

Collection including 14 Oil Painting Styles
One-Click Instant Install on Your Computer

Oil Painting Transformation! 

For Photoshop!

$97  $59

One Click Instant Install!

Yes! I want these Oil Painting Styles!

Collection With 14 Oil Painting Styles + How-to Videos

I have always hated wasting time by spending hours editing my pictures. The process of turning a photo into fine art can take hours, if not days to perfectly transform your images into a piece of art that you will want to sell or hang on your wall.. 

But finally, we have developed a tool that uses AI to transform your images into realistic paintings in just a single click. That way, you don't have to spend even a minute messing around with Photoshop brushes and endless effects.  

This new AI tool allows you to transform your images into iconic looks that mimic the masters of painting, like Bob Ross and Van Gogh in high resolution. These print worthy effects will make images that stand out from the crowd at events and on social media. 

This is a simple and fun way to spice up your photography, and take your prints to the next level. 
One Time Flash Sale
Fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop.  Your PS must be updated to use AI Oil Painting Effects.  Works with both Mac and Windows computers with Photoshop installed.  Does not work on a phone or iPad.  Requires Photoshop on a computer.
100% No Questions Guarantee
If you are not satisfied, Tim will give your money back within 30 days.  Guaranteed.
Easy Install
Purchase includes an easy to follow, step by step installation videos.
Frequently Asked Questions:

What versions of Photoshop are compatible with these AI Oil Painting Effects? This AI Oil Painting Effects package is compatible with new and updated versions of Photoshop. 

Do the AI Oil Painting Effects work with Photoshop?  Yes, you need Photoshop to use the oil painting effects.  

What if my photo is not sharp?  Will it still produce a good image?  Yes, you can save your unsharp photos by using these painting effects.

Does this work in Lightroom?  No, you need to use Photoshop.

Does this work with older versions of Photoshop such as CS6?  They will install and will work, but you will not see all the functionality of the painting effects.  

Does it work with Photoshop Elements?  No, you need a full version of Photoshop.

Are these high resolution enough to print?  Yes!  Your prints will look especially good on canvas or matte paper.

Does does this work on portraits and wildlife?  Yes, and they look amazing!

Is this a monthly subscription?  No, you have lifetime access with one payment.

Questions?  Email support@timsphotos.com
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